The Hunter's Apprentice Read online


  He came on the exact night he said he would. Despite the late hour everyone was awake and seated around the warm fire in the little kitchen of Master Elric’s house. Aerys ran to open the door as soon as they heard the knocks. He soon introduced a tall and well built man inside. The man kept his hood on and walked straight towards Master Elric whom he embraced warmly.

  After a while, they released their embrace and they both sat around the small table where Aerys laid two full glasses of wine. The hooded man emptied his in one gulp and asked for a refill. This time though, he kept the bottle near him.

  -It is good to see you again Drake, said Master Elric with a smile. It’s been a long time.

  -Ten years I guess, replied the hooded man in a deep voice.

  Elric chuckled.

  -That long? Well time sure flies quickly. How are things going?

  -Neither better nor worst. You know how it is.

  Elric nodded and took a sip of wine. Aerys sat a little bit further and listened to their conversation. He knew who this man was. In fact everyone knew him in the whole known world. Master Elric had personally invited him and Aerys knew the reason perfectly. He examined the hooded man attentively as they talked. He wore dark clothes and he was what you could call a weapon man. He had so many on him from simple daggers to a long sword that hung on his waist. If he did not know who he was, Aerys might had thought him to be one of the road bandits that roamed the lands.

  He was brought back to reality when he heard his name. He looked up to Master Elric who beckoned him forward. He did so and approached.

  -So it’s him?, asked the hooded man as he examined Aerys from head to toe. Bit frail, no?

  -Oh, don’t let that bother you, replied Elric with a wink. He will grow into a fine man, that’s a fact.

  -What’s so special about him then? You did not say much in your letter.

  -He’s the most promising talent I’ve seen since yourself, he said brightly.

  Aerys smiled at this. It was always good to be complimented by Master Elric. However the newcomer said nothing for a while and continued to look at him. Finally he said:

  -Any area he’s good?

  -Tracking is his best, said Elric. He’s better than you were and this is quite something. I’ve taught him all the basics but he will still need to study a lot. It won’t be such a difficulty as he loves reading. But there’s one area where he will need all your help though.

  -I was starting to think that he was perfect, laughed the hooded man taking another swig off the bottle.

  -He can’t fight, said Master Elric seriously.

  -Well, that’s normal, replied his friend unconcerned. He will learn with time.

  Master Elric shook his head.

  -No…I mean he does not have any fighting ability. He over-thinks every time. He can’t wield a sword properly nor an arc. His battle skills are non-existent.

  Drake sighed and thought for some time.

  -You know how this works old man, he said finally. If he can’t fight, he won’t survive long.

  - Aye, my friend. I know this all too well. However we live in a a time where we cannot be choosy. We need everyone available. I know you worry about what might happen but the fact that he cannot fights now does not mean he will never be able to do so. I trust you.

  The hooded man remained silent pondering over Elric’s words. He turned towards Aerys and took off his hood revealing a mutilated face. He was badly scarred and a bit of his nose had been bitten off most probably. He smiled with the little teeth he had left.

  -Guess I have no choice but to take you to the hunter’s guild then lad.

  Aerys moved back a bit shocked by what he saw. He had often thought about how the greatest hunter alive looked like and it was nothing like that.

  -Are you afraid? Drake asked still smiling.

  Aerys nodded nervously.

  -This is a hunter’s fate, Drake said in a sinister tone. I know what kids like you think. That it’s all fame and glory but you are wrong. Totally wrong. And let me tell you that I’m one of the luckiest. You have not met the others. It is not a pretty sight indeed.

  Aerys shuddered. The hunter was completely different from the hero he had imagined.

  -Now, now. That’s enough, interjected Elric smiling reproachfully at Drake. He walked towards Aerys and led him towards the door which he opened.

  -Don’t you worry about what he said lad. He is a natural pessimist. Now, I have a small task for you while I talk with Drake. Could you go to the village and bring back some bottles from the inn. Tell Mart to give you his finest bottle, will you. Now off you go.

  Aerys nodded and no sooner had he gone that Elric closed the door. He walked over to his desk and sat down on his favorite armchair.

  -I’m glad you could come so quickly Drake, he said slowly.

  His old apprentice nodded and waited.

  -I guess that you know that I did not call you here just for the boy.

  Drake nodded again and filled his glass to the brim. He emptied it in one go.

  -Still drinking I see, noted Elric sadly.

  -Aye, replied Drake simply as he sat down on the other chair.

  Elric remained thoughtful for a few seconds. He watched as Drake refilled his glass.

  -As you well know, he said at last, I came here after retiring.

  -Aye, replied Drake thoughtful contemplating his glass. I always wondered why though. Did you have any reason to come here?

  -None except the need for peace.

  Drake snorted.

  -Come one old man. To others. Peace?...Really? I’m not buying that shit.

  -I understand your incredulity but it’s the truth.

  -Come on, continued Drake unfazed. We all know your love for fame and glory. There is no way you would leave a place in the capital where you are adored and come to live here in the world’s asshole.

  Elric chuckled.

  -Nicely phrased. However you are mistaken.

  Drake ignored him and filled his glass again.

  -And you are going to tell me that adopting the boy is an act of charity as well. Pardon me if I don’t believe you.

  Elric took off his glasses and began to clean them with a white handkerchief.

  -I am not asking you to believe me, said slowly. It is how it is. But Let’s come back to the reason why I called you here will you?

  -I’m all ears, said Drake with a smirk.

  -Good, said Elric as he put his glasses on again. Well as I was saying, I came here looking for peace and tranquility (Drake smiled). And maybe it is age or inattention but things that should not have been forgotten have been. It was a regretful event and I truly blame myself for it.

  -What do you mean?, asked Drake perplexed.

  Elric sighed.

  -I do not say this as an excuse or anything that might excuse me but things are how they are. I have been careless…very careless.

  -What happened?

  Master Elric looked away.

  -I’m afraid what we feared for so long had happened. He escaped…

  Drake stood up, his face white.


  -The only one there ever was, replied Elric calmly. Morgoth.

  The silence that followed was broken by Drake’s angry voice.

  -How could you let him escape? He yelled loudly. He grabbed his hair and pulled madly. Impossible, he bellowed. That is impossible.

  -Please sit down Drake, said Elric soothingly.

  -You old fool, roared Drake out of his mind. How could you let him escape. He walked back and forth in the room overwhelmed with rage.

  -Calm down Drake, said Elric a bit louder.

  -How could you, roared Drake as he k
icked as everything in his range. How could you.

  Elric stood up and said in a commanding tone that resounded in the whole room with such an authority that Drake stopped.

  -Sit down now.

  The latter seemed stunned by the display of power and he obeyed half heartedly.

  -I understand your anger, said Elric compassionately. However this will not be of any help to us. The only thing that your anger will cause will be to destroy my furniture and I cannot say that I relinquish that so much for these costs a lot.

  -How did he escape?, asked Drake with gritting teeth.

  Elric sighed and crossed his fingers tightly.

  -I’m afraid that it’s my fault, he conceded. I have been careless. Like I said I am not searching for an excuse but it is a fact that ageing is not a gift. It is unfortunately a battle that I cannot win. I am already but a shadow of my former self.

  -How?, repeated Drake.

  -That is not important. He escaped and that’s it. What we must consider now is what we should do now. We cannot let him roam freely in the known world. You know as well as I do of what he is capable. He cannot be allowed to regain his strength.

  -And this is why you called me here?

  Master Elric nodded.

  -You are the only one that can succeed Drake. Despite your hate of fame and recognition, you can’t deny the fact that you are the strongest hunter now.

  -And what if I refuse? said Drake getting up suddenly with a sour expression on his face. I have already given in case you forgot and I have no intention of experiencing that again.

  He moved towards the door.

  -I understand your feelings but I have to insist Drake, said Master Elric.

  Drake did not stop and turned the door handle.

  -I am sorry to come to this but you give me no choice, said Master Elric standing up. As the president of the hunter’s guild, I am ordering you to accept this quest.

  Drake hand rested on the handle for a second before he let go. He turned and walked towards the desk without a word. He sat down quietly and faced Elric.

  -You forced my hand, said the latter without remorse as he regained his seat.

  Drake ignored him.

  -What do you want me to do? he said coldly.

  -I want you to track Morgoth down. He will very likely try to find a safe place where he will regenerate. It will take him some time after his years of enslavement and that is what I’m counting on. He will be vulnerable during that time period and that will be our chance to capture him once again.

  -Do you have any idea of the task you are asking me? The world is vast. How can you expect me to find him? He could be anywhere.

  Master Elric smiled.

  -Fortunately for us, Morgoth is not the type of Zorg who acts in secrecy. There will be hints and clues that will lead you to him. I have also taken other measures to help you in your task.


  -I have sent word to all hunters. They are aware of the situation and they are to report back to you if they discover anything regarding him. I have taken further actions which I shall inform you in due time.

  -I see that you have thought about it thoroughly.

  Elric acknowledged the statement.

  -There is one more thing though that will ask of you, he said. The boy…

  Drake rose up and shook his head.

  -Impossible. You know my stand old man. I cannot accept this request.

  -This was not a request Drake, said Elric calmly.

  Drake glared at him.

  -You think you can decide everything huh?

  -I am doing everything that is in our best interest my friend. I would have liked if you trusted me a bit and do as I say.

  -Pardon me if I don’t want to be a pawn, sneered Drake as he walked away.

  -No harm must come to the boy, said Elric behind him. Remember that.

  Drake opened the door and walked away.


  The departure took place the following morning as Drake did not want to stay longer than it was required. Aerys embraced Master Elric and shed some tears. He was leaving home for the first time and a sudden sadness invaded him.

  -Off you go now boy, said Master Elric. I know you will become a good hunter. You have all the qualities for it.

  -And don’t forget that fear is nothing, he added slowly. After all, it’s all about saving people’s lives right? So don’t let that fear hinder you.

  Aerys nodded and walked out towards the gate leaving Master Elric alone with Drake.

  -Am I right in thinking that you will try your best Drake?

  -Aye, replied the hunter shaking Elric’s extended hand.

  -And remember, no harm should happen to the boy.

  Drake nodded.

  -And I guess you won’t tell me why he is so valuable to you.

  Elric smiled mysteriously.

  -It is not the right time yet but trust me I know what I’m saying. Protect him.

  Drake nodded again and they parted.

  -Let’s not waste any more time then, said Drake as he joined Aerys by the gate. We have a long route and the sooner we get on the road, the quicker we will arrive.

  Aerys turned a last time to look at the farm that he was leaving for the first time and that he would not see again. He followed Drake as they took the small road that led them away from Master’s Elric house. Drake chose to cut through the little wood that separated the house from the village of Dimes and took to his right in such a way that he bypassed the village. They came out on its outskirts and Aerys looked back one last time at the village where he had grown and spent most of his time. He sighed as he thought of the many friends he was leaving behind. He would probably not see them again anytime soon.

  They walked till they reached a crossroad a few miles away which led in three opposite direction. Drake took the eastern road without any hesitation but Aerys stopped. The hunter finally turned back when he noticed that Aerys was not following him and walked back towards him with an intrigued look on his face.

  -What’s the matter lad?

  -I’ve never been further than this crossroad, Aerys replied sadly. It feels like I am leaving everything behind and never coming back again.

  The hunter scowled.

  -Get a hold of yourself lad. You have to grow up now and this means making that step that leads you away from home. Everyone has to do it one day. I did it too. So get a hold of yourself and follow me. I don’t have time for all this.

  Aerys breathed in and took the first step and another. He was leaving Dimes for good now. He knew that he was giving out a pitiful image of himself but he could not do otherwise. It was heartbreaking to leave home. He followed Drake as they followed the road. They walked for several miles before the green scenery of Dimes finally gave place to the golden wheat fields that covered a great part of the region. It was a pleasant day despite the hot sun that stood majestically in the immaculate sky. Aerys had the feeling that they were not moving at all though for the same scenery awaited them miles after miles. For as long as he could see, there was no end to the huge fields and he wondered how long it would take to get out of those fields. The hunter barely talked and he was too intimidated to dare to ask him the many questions that troubled him. Where were they going? He had not even deemed it necessary to inform Aerys of their destination. He had just said that they he would carry out a job nearby before heading for the guild. Aerys had stopped asking further questions when he saw the sour expression on his face.

  They stopped twice per day; at noon and at dusk. Usually the hunter chose a place which offered them some advantages like under the shades of the rare trees that they saw or near the streams that they crossed. The meals were as simple as it could be. The hunter had many strips of salted meat in his bag which were delicious. Yet when you ate the same thing every time, it quickly becomes unsavory. He also had no water with him which meant that Aerys had to stop and drink whenever they passed by streams. If he had no water, it did no
t mean that he had nothing to drink. He had plenty of liquid in fact. His bag contained a couple of wine bottles which he drank all day long. It was surprising that he could even walk despite the amount of wine he was swallowing and it was even more surprising that he was always the first to get up in the morning.

  The hunter would send Aerys to check the place and to report back if he saw any trails or anything odd. Aerys was already a good tracker and so it was an easy job for him. He used to hunt in the nearby forest back at home and he could say without boasting that he was the best at it. He could follow a trail like nobody and recognize any track and tell which animal it was. Add to this the fact that he had received Mater’s Elric expertise and he was had become the best tracker of Dimes. For as long as he could remember, he had been going with Master Elric while he watched over the forest.

  Master Elric had been training him since he adopted him. He did not remember the day clearly for he was still young but he knew that he was extremely lucky. Everyone admired Master Elric. He had been the greatest hunter in his time and his feats were sung in all the known world. As he grew up he learned more and more about the hunter’s trade but he did not think that he would be going away so quickly. If only that fated incident had not happened, he thought as he slept that night.

  They finally came out of the wheat fields after three days. Aerys was relieved that the scenery changed. They continued east along the large monotonous road which led them into a green and refreshing valley. Beyond that valley stood a lonely hill that towered over the whole area. It was still far but its view rejoiced him. This was at least something which reminded him more of Dimes. They slept in a small clearing which was surrounded by bushes filled with berries. This gave Aerys an occasion to skip the usual salted meat. The hunter did not touch them but he verified that they were comestible before letting Aerys eat them. This partially irritated Aerys for he reckoned he was competent enough to distinguish a poisonous berry. He made it known to the hunter who replied quite harshly.

  -The fact that you can distinguish it is not the matter here. It is always better to get a second opinion on any matter before going forward with it. You have undoubtedly learned a lot from the old man but that is still not nearly enough. That berry that you ate had a counterpart which is its exact copy. You would not be able to separate them apart. So let me check on anything you find if you don’t want to die horribly. Not that it would matter much to me though, he added with a smile.